Monday, November 30, 2009

How to get on Facebook using Ubuntu

This one is mainly for my friend who's account gets shut off everyday at a certain time, so if your account is like that, then you can use this video too. What you need to do is get Ubuntu from here. You can either download the *.iso file and burn it to a CD or you can request a free CD. Whichever you decide to do, once you have the disk, turn on your computer, put the disc in the drive. Shutdown the computer, and then you can watch the video from there. This video is mainly showing how to get on Facebook, because I think that is part of what my friend would use on this. Just make sure to remember once you get to the start-up menu, DO NOT INSTALL IT. Only install Ubuntu on your computer if you don't mind having all of the files and programs currently on your computer deleted. Installing will format the drive and you won't have a Windows operating system anymore. If you are on a shared computer I would suggest not installing Ubuntu.

How to get on facebook using Ubuntu

Step One: Get Ubuntu from its website.
Step Two: Turn on your computer.
Step Three: Put the disc in the CD drive of your computer.
Step Four: Restart your machine.
(Step 4 1/2: You may have to restart again and hit one of the F# keys, commonly F12 or F8 if your computer doesn't automatically boot from the disc and then select the option to boot from a disc.)
Step Five: On the startup menu, select the language, then select Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer
Step Six:Wait for it to boot up and when you get to the login screen, wait 10 seconds for it to login automatically.
Step Seven:When you get logged in, open up Firefox by clicking the icon at the top of the screen.
Step Eight:When it opens go to